Frequently Asked Questions

The volume of the global blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) market was $420.5 billion in 2019, according to research firm.

Why is blockchain trustworthy?

Blockchain is a peer-to-peer network that has its own consensus algorithm . The main reason it is trustworthy is the way it stores and processes data. It uses cryptographic algorithms to ensure that the data is protected from any outside intruder. This means that only the object that owns the data will be able to access it. In addition, data stores in blockchain can be monitored at any time, which provides transparency. Another thing that makes blockchain trustworthy is the data integrity function. With this feature, data cannot be changed once it is written.

What is a public key?

A public key is used in a cryptographic algorithm that allows partners in a blockchain to receive funds into their wallet. The public key is attached to the private key, creating a key pair. Both private-public key pairs are used to secure the blockchain. A public key is an alphanumeric string that is unique to a particular node or address.

What is a private key?

A private key is an alphanumeric phrase that is used in tandem with a public key to provide encryption and decryption. It is part of the cryptographic algorithms used in blockchain security. The key is assigned to the key generator and must remain with him alone. If he does not, anyone can gain access to the details or data located in the wallet or to the address for which the private key is assigned.

What is public blockchain?

A public blockchain is public in nature. It is fully decentralized, where anyone can read, write and join. No central authority controls the blockchain. In addition, all data can be verified because data once written cannot be changed. .

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